Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Marijuana research paper Essay Example for Free

Marijuana research paper Essay In today’s society there are a list of many banned drugs which in coincidence are the five most used drugs by most individuals. These drugs are methamphetmine, cocaine heroine, ecstasy and marijuana, out of all five of these drugs one that I believe to be the most scrutinized is marijuana, known also as cannabis. I believe this drug is the most harmless illegal substance in the world, especially when compared to its counterparts. Marijuana not only has the least negative side effects to your body but it is also the only drug that is used in a social, musical, medical and cultural manner. The most popular of all recreational drugs, Cannabis, or Marijuana, Grass, Hemp, Weed, Pot, Hash, Dope or a variety of regional names has been cultivated for thousands of years. Derived in various forms from the Cannabis plants, Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa, is native to central Asia but its cultivation and use is global. It is a Psychoactive and a Psychedelic. It can be smoked as leaves or flower buds, it can be ground down to isolate the crystallized sap and then pressed into a solid, or the resin extracted by collection via contact with the sticky plant parts.( This excerpt from explains why marijuana use is so commonly used not only in America but across the globe. What makes this drug adorn by many of it users are also the proclaimed â€Å"negative† side effects, constant smoking or overdosing on marijuana results in â€Å"being forgetful, over sleeping, not getting things done, concentration difficulties, neglecting work or duties, loss of balance or dizziness, problems with performing tasks, and nausea (Hammersley, R. and V. Leon, 2006).† These side effects may not be looked too as negative by on the user, especially when compared to its counterparts. An overdose of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroine will almost always lead to â€Å"seizures, coma, and loss of a life† ( Marijuana is acclaimed by many of its users as the â€Å"ultimate stress reliever† and what better place relieve stress than at college, a place where for four to five days out of the week students are overwhelmed with the stresses that come from the many classes they take. This explains why college is a perfect example of marijuana being used in a social setting where one can obtain the drug in a calm environment with little authority from parents or the police. Through my college experience I have met students who enter college deciding they will never smoke a day in their life, I have also met students who admit they were peer pressured into at least trying the substance and I have met students who have said they tried marijuana out of straight curiosity. In an interview held with a female Old Westbury student, who’s name is preferred not to be mentioned, I asked the student â€Å"how long have you been smoking marijuana?† student replied â€Å"I would consider myself a newcomer to smoking pot, I started this semester.† I then asked â€Å"why did you choose marijuana out of all illegal drugs to use?† she replied â€Å" I honestly choose marijuana because all of my friends were doing it, I saw after smoking many of them would go from uptight to calm and funny, not having a care in the world, I wanted to feel for myself what the â€Å"hype† was and depending on how I reacted to pot would determine if I would continue smoking or not†. My last question before ending the interview was the big one, â€Å"Do you still continue to smoke marijuana†, with a smirk on her face she said â€Å"yes I do, not often like my friends but on Thursday after a long week of homework and classes I smoke one to ease my mind and forget about my tough week, plus it puts me to bed (laughing)†. Marijuana use has and still continues to be a cultivating driving force in the music industry, specifically hip hop. During the 80’s and 90’s many of the great hip hop legends; Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur and Notorious Biggie Smalls all have been known for there outstanding musical abilities but also for their public habit of smoking or as the street term calls it â€Å"getting high.† Many individuals look at these artist and automatically assume ignorance when in fact when under the influence of marijuana these artist have said some of the most prolific lines in hip hop. Tupac Shakur is quoted saying I believe that everything that you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that’s bad, I’m going to suffer from it. But in my mind, I believe what I’m doing is right. So I feel like I’m going to heaven. This quote spoke meant allot to me and Im sure to many young adults that are just like me who live a life of violence and chaos. Often as teenagers we feel that since we are not living the supposedly â€Å"Godly† way that includes attending church regularly, helping other and praying at night that we ourselves don’t hold a place in heaven, that we are the scums of the earth. Lines such as these mentally help us make it through our days and allow us to understand that they are other people out there who are going or have went through our daily struggles. Hearing words like that from your icon, you can only imagine the relief that boy’s and girl’s feel knowing someone who made it out a bad situation was going through exactly what you were, simple words can really make an outstanding difference to an individual. Marijuana in the music industry is not only used through the rappers who say the lyrics but it is used also by the producer’s who come up with the beat and flow, the core of the song that sometimes allows you to feel the music in a way that no rapper may be able to get across. Famous producers such Pharell and rap mogul Dr. Dre are both Grammy winners who make their music while under the influence, the drug puts them in a calming place were their mind can roam and listen to each instruments and bring them together in harmony, yes this task can be done sober but these two producers have made some of the beast beats in the world, it only goes to show once again marijuana is not as self destruction drug as it rivals cocaine or heroine . Medical Cannabis refers to the use of the drug cannabis as a physician-recommended herbal therapy, most notably as an antiemetic. Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for approximately 4,000 years. Writings from ancient India confirm that its psychoactive properties were recognized, and doctors used it for a variety of illnesses and ailments. These included a whole host of gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia,  headaches and as a pain reliever frequently used in childbirth.In the 1970s, a synthetic version of THC, the primary active ingredient in cannabis, was synthesized to make the drug Marinol. (Why Is Smoking Cigarettes Bad For You? | LIVESTRONG.COM) Marijuana is yet again used as a beneficial part of our society but instead of the individual users who use it for leisure or to have fun, marijuana is used for the sick and impaired. Known by its correct term as medical marijuana, the drug is used to relieve muscle spams, chronic pain,glaucoma, weight loss(in smoking marijuana one of the few side effect is called â€Å"the munches† during this time the user will crave to want food. People who dont often eat will more than likely have a good portion plate of food or a snack) Aids and Cancer. Having a grandmother who was prescribed marijuana for her excessive swollen feet conditon I personally saw the positive effects the drug had her. Marijuana allowed my grandmother to relax and focus less attention on her feet, being under the influence put my grandmother in a happy place where her pain no longer bothered her as much as it would if she was sober. What she always enjoyed about marijuana was that she could smoke it, coming from the Caribbean’s smoking marijuana was a normal thing, something she had grown accustomed too. She much rather smoke instead of swallowing pills, being old fashioned she thought the side effects of pills would be detrimental to her health. Smoking marijuana has had an impact on the lives of those who suffer from depression and low self esteem. Joan Bello, author of The Benefits of Marijuana: Physical, Psychological Spiritual, is quoted saying; Marijuana will not tolerate repression. Tranquilizers and depressants relax the body and release tension, but the state of mind associated with these drugs is unconsciousness whereby we escape rather than resolve our dilemmas. Alcoholism is an extreme need of both the body and personality sometimes to release the nervousness that has accumulated and continues to build up to an unbearable degree. It serves the same function for the collective personality for the society, as well A culture in which alcohol and tranquilizers are the prevalent form of release prefers not to witness  internal confusion and actually choose to act without conscious participation, maintaining a semi-numb condition. Mr. Bello not only speaks about the positive of marijuana use but he also speaks on how smoking puts you at a better state than one of its many counterparts alcohol, who when under the influence liquor individuals tend to act angry or in rage, marijuana users are always put in a calm statement, which is reason to why after smoking one side effect the user may feel is tiredness. Marijuana usage has not been secluded too only America, it has made a huge cultural impact on the tropical island community, specifically Jamaica. Jamaicans have a subset group of people on the island that participate in a religion known as Rastafri, as Catholics partake in the Eucharist and Muslims participate in Ramadan, the Rastafarian lifestyle usually includes ritual use of marijuana, avoidance of alcohol, the wearing of ones hair in dreadlocks, and vegetarianism. Rastafrains look at marijuana as the hold plant and have scriptures in the bible to prove that they aren’t making it up, Psalm 104:14: He causeth the grass for the cattle and herb for the service of man.† The marijuana or as they call it gangja is also used for social and medical purposes. Marijuana is used primarily during the two main Rastafari rituals: reasonings and nyabingi. The reasoning is an informal gathering at which a small group of Rastas smoke ganja and engage in discussion. The ritual begins when one person lights the pipe, or chalice, and recites a short prayer while all other participants bow their heads. The pipe is then passed around the circle until all of the people have smoked. The reasoning ends when the participants depart one by one. Rasta’s do not condone any other drug beside marijuana because it is the only God given plant, it is not tainted with any human contact unlike alcohol methamphetamine cocaine or heroine. These rastas normally live long healthy lives, which only proves that the drug does not do serious damage to your body. So far they are eighteen legalized marijuana states in the United states. Regardless what the majority may say I believe marijuana has made a positive impact on the world. \. The amount of deaths that occur from smoking cigarets or drinking alcohol is in the millions and yet it is still being used, marijuana has had zero deaths in its history. The next time you see someone high or in the act of smoking think about the pros and cons and then make your decision.

Monday, January 20, 2020

From the Depths of My Soul :: Personal Narrative essay about myself

From the Depths of My Soul    ``Songs my father taught me'' should be the title of everything I play. His teachings took place from my first breath to his last. They are profoundly present in every moment that I am with the guitar. He taught me to love her, to care for her and to give myself to her.    Many times I went to sleep listening to him playing classical guitar, or woke up to the sound of a Bach gavotte! While walking in the old part of town, he would call my attention to the moonlight illuminating the narrow streets, or smell the flowers perfuming the old city, and then tell me``This is the Fandanguillo of Turina!''    I saw my father under persecution by the republicans and later decorated with honors by the democrats. I saw my father in poverty and I saw him financially successful. One thing remained untouched - his love of music, his love of the guitar. He practiced with the same devotion when there was no sight or hope of a successful career as he did later when success did come. The collection of music I play in homage to him was an essential part of the repertoire he always kept with him and gave to my brothers and me so that through our love of it we could search for beauty and that unattainable perfection that is the guiding light of all the great servants of music.    My father was a genius; he is an immortal man. I always wanted to believe in immortality. I always wanted to believe in eternal life, and intellectually I did. But in my heart, I had my doubts. In the last moments that my father and I spent together, he took these doubts away. He taught me that indeed there is a God. He taught me that there is eternal life, and we made a pact that we would soon be together, reunited, and in full recognition of each other.    My father taught me many things. When he was alive we had the most beautiful and most perfect love affair that two people could have. My father was the greatest guitarist known to me, and everything in me is only an offspring of that magnificent tree of music that he was. And everything that passes from me to future generations will be an offshoot of that beautiful root that was completely ingrained in the earth of music.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Only Crime Is Pride

â€Å"The only crime is pride† is a true statement. Multitudes of people take much pride in numerous things some being: their job, family, political views, hometowns even in their favorite sports team. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the protagonist, Antigone, wants to give her brother Polynecies the same honorable burial given to her other brother Eteocles. Creon, The ruler of Thebes, makes it very obvious to all the citizens that they are not to attempt to bury his nephew or they will be stoned to death.Antigone deliberately defies her uncle Creon to get her wish and receives punishment as she should for breaking the laws. Subsequent to the sentry bringing Antigone in for her illegal actions, Creon’s niece does not deny anything saying that she had to do it. The ruler of Thebes was appalled that she would ever commit such a crime. This discovery prompts the Choragos to say, â€Å"Like father, like daughter: both headstrong, deaf to reason! She has never learned to yield. † Showing that pride clouds her judgment and directly goes against her uncle and his laws to give Polynecies the honorable burial he deserved.Antigone knew that this crime was punishable by death but her pride would not let her oversee leaving her dead brother unburied like many of the other soldiers and open for the birds and dogs to eat. Oedipus’ daughter was so involved in doing the right thing that she to take her own life in the process. She says, â€Å"If I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not. † This further exemplifies that she cares more about the pride of her family rather than her own life.Had Antigone obeyed the laws put in place by her uncle, she would not have been forced to die. Instead she could have gone on living a noble life in the city of Thebes. Creon’s pride effects many of the decisions that he makes as a ruler. His dignity makes all the decisions very biased, including in scene 3 when he is arguing with his son Haimon. His son tells him that, â€Å"In flood time you can see how some trees bend and because they bend, even their twigs are safe, while stubborn trees are town up roots, and all. He, is telling Creon if he insists with being so stubborn with sticking to what his pride tells him to do; he will corrupt himself and many other who are in his life. Although Creon’s son is much younger he is wiser than his father even if Creon would never admit it. The king of Thebes was told many times that since Antigone is his family that he should not punish his niece, another reason people tell him he should release her is that she is a female. Despite these reasons Creon says that he would look weak to the citizens of Thebes if a girl was able to get away with such a felony.His level of self-esteem would also diminish if he had let Antigone get away with this illegal act. Haimon is not the only one who tells Creon he needs to change his way. The blind prop het Teiresias tells Creon, â€Å"Think: all men make mistakes, But a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, And repairs the evil: The only Crime is pride. † Creon's pride made Antigone's punishment for doing what she believed was right much more severe than necessary. He had to follow through with his decree so he would not look weak in front of the people he governed.Tragically, because of his pride, both Antigone and his own son, Haimon, died needlessly. Is one's pride more important than human life? In society today pride corrupts people in every country and over every: gender, race, religion. Most crimes are committed because people take too much pride for things; and because of this take fierce actions. In Libya angered civilians took matters into their own hands after a movie was made mocking their god Mohammed. They were very proud of their religion and to see it mocked in a movie upset them.Aggressors attacked and killed 4 Libyan ambassadors for the United States. Another example is the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup riot. It was a public disturbance that broke out in downtown Vancouver, British Colombia Canada on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The riots happened immediately after the conclusion of the Boston Bruins’ win over the Vancouver Canucks in game seven of the Stanley Cup. The Vancouver fans were outraged since they had a lot of pride in their team. They were so upset that they stormed the streets flipping over cars, setting stores on fire, and vandalizing property.The prideful fans minds were clouded and made rash decisions; not thinking about what they were doing and acting out of instinct. Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird also exemplifies people making decisions with clouded minds. Once word gets out that Atticus will be representing Tom Robinson in court people begin to bully Jem and Scout. Since Jem is older he understands that he must not let his pride get in the way and keeps composure until finally he snaps, terr orizing Mrs.Duboses’ garden ripping out all the flowers. Scout’s self-worth also clouds her mind, beating up many classmates that even thought to bring up that her dad was a bad man. â€Å"The only crime is pride. † Accurately displays that pride makes humans act with clouded judgment making them do things they would not normally do; the same way Antigone and Creon acted throughout Sophocles play, Antigone, and the same way it effects millions of people in today’s world.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Alaska’s EarthquakesWhere Beauty Meets Disaster - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 573 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Science Essay Level High school Topics: Earthquake Essay Did you like this example? It is no surprise to Earth Scientists that Alaska sees so many earthquakes annually. With two tectonic plates meeting under a subduction zone there is bound to be a great deal of seismic activity. There is a long history of quakes, some taking several lives, that has become a lifestyle more than an occurrence. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Alaska’s Earthquakes:Where Beauty Meets Disaster" essay for you Create order Alaska has one of the most beautiful landscapes and one of the most dangerous natural disasters that occur all too often. With the help of many different state and government agencys the safety of the residence is a first priority. Lets take a closer look at exactly why, where, how and when these quakes occur.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The state is located on top of two of many tectonic plates. The Pacific Oceanic plate consists of dense oceanic basalt rock. The North American plate is comprised of a more buoyant felic composition. Where the two meet off the coast of Alaska is known as a subduction zone where the oceanic plate is sinking under the continental plate. Every year the Pacific plate pushes a few inches towards Alaska which sits on top of the North American plate. The friction of the movement of these two is what causes consistent quakes. (1) Every year the vast landscape experiences approximately twenty-thousand earthquakes. It is estimated that one thousand of these quakes do not register on the richter scale. Annually they expect to see a great deal of seismic activity. They experience what sociologists call a great quake of above a magnitude 8 about every 13 years. A magnitude ranging from a 7 to 8 is expected to happen once a year. A size 6 to 7 magnitude is seen about six times per year. The 5 to 6 range is felt around forty-five times in a year. Astonishingly a 4 to 5 magnitude is experienced approximately three hundred and twenty times a year. (2) There is no way to predict when and where an earthquake will happen. Scientists rely on history to predict when and where there is a possibility of another quake. There was no way to know that the Great earthquake of 1964 known as The Good Friday Earthquake ( which was recorded as a 9.2 magnitude would occur. This quake took 139 lives, the most in the recorded history of Alaska. The effects were felt all the way to the southern U.S. This quake caused tsunamis in both Hawaii and Japan. (3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The 1964 quake gave rise to new safety measures across the state. The Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission (ASHCA) provides an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature in order to stay current on safety measures. There are areas of the state that is strongly advised not to be developed on due to the amount of activity. The advisory warning is not always followed and lives are still lost because of it. Buildings are reinforced with a stronger foundation and stronger support to withstand the normality of the quakes. (4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Education is key to safety. The Division of Homeland Security Emergency Management (DHSEM) ( advises that people maintain an emergency supply of food for a minimum of 48 hours at all times in the home. The schools practice drop, cover and hold drills in order to keep kids safe. They educate property managers on how to handle maintaining of the buildings in the event of gas, electric, water and structural damage. They also offer education on how to prepare the elderly and handicapped when disaster strikes.   (5)